The completion of the 3DEXCITE Product Communicator Associate exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your understanding of the Product Communicator role available on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

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Exam Length

60 Minutes

Minimum Passing grade


About the Exam

This certification introduces you to the various functionalities available for the Product Communicator role on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. You will learn how to visualize and present products based on 3D models.

Recommended Training Courses:

If you have access to the 3DEXPERIENCE Edu SPACE, this Product Communicator course can help bring you up to speed. Please be sure to select 3DEXPERIENCE 2024x version to access the online learning.  You will need a 3DEXPERIENCE ID to log in. 

In addition, the Product Communicator online Help provides the most comprehensive references. 

Exam features questions on these areas of the Product Communicator role:

  • Introduction to the Product Communicator role
  • Create ambiences to stage products compellingly
  • Render high quality visuals to level up communications
  • Build interactive and intuitive 3D product presentations

Re-test Policy

There is a minimum 14-day waiting period between every attempt of the 3DEXCITE Product Communicator Associate exam. Also, a 3DEXCITE Product Communicator Associate exam credit must be purchased for each exam attempt.

Take the Exam