SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation Professional (CSWP-Flow)

Candidates who successfully pass this certification have demonstrated the ability to set up, run and examine the results of various types of fluid flow simulation scenarios. They also have demonstrated the ability to interpret the various results available to them in SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation and an understanding of the basics of finite volume methods.

Take the Exam

Note: You must use at least SOLIDWORKS Standard and SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation 2018 or SOLIDWORKS Student Edition 2018 or later for this exam. Any use of a previous or lower version will result in the inability to open the testing files or access some of the needed functionality.

Recommended Training Courses

  • SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation

Exam Length

90 minutes

Minimum Passing grade


About the Exam

All candidates receive electronic certificates, business card logos and personal listing on CSWP directory when they pass. To show up in the directory, this option must be set in your online certification account.

The exam consists of 13 hands-on questions covering various areas of Fluid Flow Simulation including the following topics:

  • Liquids and gas
  • Internal and external flow simulations
  • Internal systems involving multiple inlets or outlets
  • Mixing of various fluids
  • Conjugated heat transfer
  • Natural and forced convection
  • Extracting results such as force, velocity, or pressure
  • Working with various units
  • Working with configurations
  • Duplicating and editing studies
  • Controlling mesh size

Re-test Policy

There is a minimum 14 day waiting period between every attempt of the CSWP-Flow exam. Also, a CSWP-Flow exam credit must be purchased for each exam attempt.

Take the Exam