Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional in Mechanical Design ACADEMIC VERSION
Students must have CSWA - Academic certification 30 days prior to taking the CSWP - Academic Exam.
The CSWP - Academic Exam is provided in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Chinese S, Chinese T, Japanese, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Taking the Exam
The CSWP - Academic exam is only available through qualified educational institutions and Academic Certification Providers, and only given in a proctored environment.
SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider Application
CSWP - Academic certification is intended for a student with a minimum of 1 to 2 years of SOLIDWORKS experience and advanced knowledge of engineering practices. SOLIDWORKS recommends that applicants review the online tutorials on Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings as a prerequisite, and have at least 100 hours of classroom time learning SOLIDWORKS or using SOLIDWORKS with advanced engineering design principles and practices.
Recommended Training Courses
My SolidWorks Learning Paths: CSWA and CSWP Exam Prep Courses
Note: SOLIDWORKS 2015 or later is required to take the exam. Any use of a previous version will result in the inability to open some of the testing files.
Exam Length
3 hours 20 minutes (All segments total)
Minimum Passing grade
About the Exam
All candidates receive electronic certificates, business card logos and personal listing on CSWE directory* when they pass. To show up in the directory, this option must be set in your online certification account.
The current release of the CSWP - Academic Exam has been broken down into three separate segments and can be taken as three separate exams (one exam for each segment) or one exam that includes all three segments. If you take the separate exams, once you pass a segment, you will not have to take it again. Once all three segments have been successfully completed, you will automatically receive your CSWP - Academic Certification. If you take the one exam that includes all three segments, should you fail you will need to retake the whole exam as none of the separate segment results can be broken out from the final score. The instructor will have the discretion as to which type of exam to implement. CSWP exams included with the purchase of the SOLIDWORKS Student Edition is the one exam that includes all three segments.
Exam may feature hands-on challenges in some of these areas:
Segment 1: (70 Minutes – 75 points to pass/105 points maximum)
- Creating a part from a drawing
- Using linked dimensions and equations to aid in modeling
- Using equations to relate dimensions
- Updating parameters and dimension sizes
- Mass property analysis
- Modifying geometry on initial part to create a more complex part
- Modifying parameters on the part at different stages while maintaining all other dimensions and design intent
Segment 2: (50 Minutes – 77 points to pass/104 points maximum)
- Creating configurations from other configurations
- Changing configurations
- Creation of configurations using a Design Table
- Mass properties
- Changing and/or rearranging features of an existing SOLIDWORKS part
Segment 3: (80 Minutes - 77 points to pass/109 points maximum)
- Creating an assembly
- Adding parts to an assembly
- Doing collision detection when moving a part in an assembly
- Interference detection
- Basic and advanced mates
- Inserting subassemblies
- Replacing a part with another part in an assembly
- Creating a coordinate system
- Using a coordinate system to perform mass properties analysis
Standard SOLIDWORKS tools that may be covered in the exam include:
- Sketch entities - lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, ellipses, centerlines
- Sketch tools - offset, convert, trim
- Sketch relations
- Boss and cut features - extrudes, revolves, sweeps, lofts
- Fillets and chamfers
- Draft
- Shell
- Hole Wizard
- Linear, circular, and fill patterns
- Linked dimensions
- Equations
- Mirror
- Dimensions
- Feature conditions – start and end
- Multi-body parts
- Rib
- Feature scope
- Mass properties
- Move/Delete face
- Materials
- Restraints
- Inserting components - new and existing
- Standard mates and advanced mates
- Reference geometry – planes, axis, mate references
- In-context features
- Interference detection
- Suppression states
- Move/Rotate component
- Assembly features
- Collision detection in an assembly
- External references
- Design tables
- Dimensions and model items
Re-test Policy
There is a minimum 14 day waiting period between every attempt of the same CSWP Segment exam. Also, an exam credit for that CSWP Segment must be purchased for each exam attempt.