Efficiently manage your job shop with the same integrated system software you use to run all your manufacturing operations
DELMIAWorks (formerly IQMS) JobShop gives you the power to efficiently manage your job shop with the same manufacturing software you use to run your other manufacturing operations as well as the same ERP software you use to run your business. All your business processes, including your front office, your manufacturing operations, sales and customer/supplier relations are integrated into one system. You increase customer service while becoming more efficient with lower operating costs. Integration means you always have the information you need to:
- Build, track, and manage projects visually
- Quote new projects quickly, easily and accurately
- Track sales orders and delivery
- Respond with confidence to promise dates
- Make, ship and deliver on time
- Ensure all your business processes work together seamlessly
Job Shop Project Tracking and Scheduling Features
Build visual project routings, generate work orders, build the schedule, track engineering changes, plan labor and drill down to capacity planning. Because Job Shop is integrated into the complete manufacturing and ERP system, you also have all the tools necessary to create purchase orders, send invoices, make payments, run financial reports and much more.
- Create an unlimited number of processes (including assembly's)
- Bill of materials is instantly transformed into a visual routing system
- Drag and drop existing project steps into new projects, making the creation and quoting of new projects quick and easy
- Instantly build capable to promise functionality directly into the project form
- Drag and drop scheduling lets you know immediately whether you can make promise dates and what you need to do to modify production
- Accurately build job estimates based actual materials, personnel and equipment costs and availability
- Track progress of jobs, show accounting and labor activity on the whole project or any individual step
- Integrated engineering change management flows directly into the project
When you purchase JobShop as part of the DELMIAWorks ERP system, you harness the money-saving power of integration.
DELMIAworks Manufacturing Job Shop Solutions
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Vous avez des questions sur les solutions DELMIAWorks Manufacturing ERP ?
Les solutions DELMIAWorks permettent de relever les défis en matière de fabrication en connectant l'ensemble du processus de la conception à la fabrication.