3DEXPERIENCE® Works Solutions for Manufacturing and Machining connects design and manufacturing in one application.

Prepare your designs for manufacturability earlier in the development cycle with dedicated solutions to machine complex parts with advanced operations and increase collaboration and data between Designers & NC Programmers on a single environment, which will improve engineering efficiency.

SW Live: Smart Manufacturing

Explore a new offering from our DELMIA® brand, Shop Floor Programmer to assist you in complex machining operations. Learn about a range of technologies available to SOLIDWORKS users to perform complex machining operations in your manufacturing process, including 3 Axis Milling, Wire EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining), and Machine Kinematics. You’ll discover how you can leverage a new offering from our DELMIA brand, Shop Floor Programmer to assist you in these operations.

The Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem: Connecting all Aspects of Design-To-Manufacturing

Smart manufacturing image. People viewing machinery on ipad

Smart Manufacturing is a term used to describe a connected and seamless flow of intellectual property to all teams involved, from sales through manufacturing to delivery. In Smart Manufacturing, information is gathered in real-time from all sources and shared in the form in which it is most useful.

First Look: Lean Team Player

Learn a new visual and playful way to plan, facilitate, and follow up meetings. So you can improve outcomes anytime you get people together.

Lean Team Player – Better Communication

Screen shot from SOLIDWORKS 3DEXPERIENCE Lean Team Player

Implementing Lean principles in your organization facilitates communication throughout your organization, and by allowing everyone to have a voice, clarifies business decisions and direction. When everyone has access to the same information, in a visual communication tool, it becomes easier to understand the vision and turn it into actions. Meetings become more productive and meaningful. Ideas are all captured, and not lost, and communication and decision-making improve.

Join us for a demonstration of 3DEXPERIENCE Lean Team Player capabilities, and see how you can improve communication throughout your business.

Explore 3DEXPERIENCE Works Manufacturing Solutions