Quality Control and FAI Reports Made Easy

For many companies, the creation of First Article Inspection (FAI) drawings and reports is a time-intensive, error-prone process. Drawings are manually ballooned, inspection characteristics are painstakingly transposed to reports, and controlled management of the process and deliverables is non-existent. Additionally, you don’t have the tools you need to take proactive actions.

In just 22 minutes, you can learn how to streamline your existing inspection process by:

  • Automating the creation of ballooned inspection drawings
  • Streamlining the creation of FAI reports
  • Leveraging customer and supplier-provided PDFs - regardless of the CAD system
  • Creating detailed and completely customizable reports
  • Incorporating measurement results and correlating captured CMM data with inspection characteristics
  • Leveraging Statistical Process Control, Gage Management, and quality analytics - Qualityxpert overview