AnyBody Exporter for SOLIDWORKS®
AnyBody Technology A/S
AnyBody Exporter for SOLIDWORKS translates SOLIDWORKS CAD models into mechanical models the AnyBody Modeling System. In AnyBody, such models can be connected with AnyBody's human model, e.g. for analysis of ergonomics or human performance.

AnyBody Exporter for SOLIDWORKS is a SOLIDWORKS add-in. The tool translates SOLIDWORKS CAD models into corresponding AnyScript models for the AnyBody Modeling System, including all mass properties, mate relationships, and color information of the different parts
- Exports mass properties, mate relationships, and color information of parts and assemblies
- CAD model tree structure is preserved in the AnyBody Modeling System
- Enables human-product simulations in AnyBody Technology’s AnyBody Modeling System
- Simulate human-product performance during virtual prototyping.
- Assess product/machine related musculoskeletal loading and ergonomics.
- Enables design of prostheses, fitness machines, exoskeletons, and man-machine interfaces

AnyBody Technology is a pioneer and leading provider of mechanical modeling of the living body, in particular musculoskeletal modeling (MSM). The all-dominating area of application is of course the human body, but our technology applies to analysis of any creature.
How to buy
AnyBody Technology A/S
Niels Jernes Vej 10
DK-9220 Aalborg East