Plastic Flow, LLC
Plastic Flow's extrusion die design software, polyXtrue, is based upon a unique and proprietary theory that simulates flow of polymers taking into account not only the shear viscosity, but also the elongational viscosity of the polymer.

Plastic Flow's extrusion die design software, polyXtrue, is based upon a unique and proprietary theory that simulates flow of polymers taking into account not only the shear viscosity, but also the elongational viscosity of the polymer. To simulate a multilayer flow during coextrusion, polyXtrue uses a newly developed algorithm, called Mesh Partitioning Technique, which allows coextrusion simulation without changing the finite element mesh as the shape of different polymer layers change during simulation. Thereby, allowing simulation of the flow even in highly complex coextrusion dies.
- Automatically generates geometry for coat-hanger type sheet extrusion dies from parameter values
- Automatically generates geometry for spiral-mandrel blown-film extrusion dies from parameter values
- Accurately simulates 3D flow and predicts layer structure in coextrusion dies up to 11 layers
- Accurately simulates 3D flow in sheet dies, annular dies, as well as complex profile dies
- Simulates flow taking into account shear viscosity as well as elongational viscosity of polymers
- Reduce product development time by eliminating tool and die shop trial and error
- Balance the flow at die exit to minimize post-die extrudate distortion
- Maximize throughput for your extrusion products
- Trouble-shoot complex polymer extrusion problems
- Simplify die geometry

Plastic Flow markets software for design and optimization of polymer extrusion dies.
How to buy
Plastic Flow, LLC
540 Depot Street
Suite 157
Hancock, MI 49930
United States