SOLIDWORKS® is the leading 3D product design software company used worldwide. With 500,000+ designers and engineers certified in our tools, knowing SOLIDWORKS is a crucial job skill set for graduates. Learning SOLIDWORKS in school provides an understanding of engineering and geometric mathematical competencies. In the SOLIDWORKS Education Edition, we provide computer-aided design (CAD), simulation, documentation, manufacturing, and visualization tools for universities, colleges, technical institutions, high schools, and middle schools.

Curriculum and Lessons

Educators play a vital role in developing the next generation of engineering and design innovators.  Our goal is to provide them with the tools they need to be successful utilizing our curriculum and lessons. The SOLIDWORKS Education Fundamentals of 3D Design and Simulation and Fundamentals of SOLIDWORKS Electrical are premium guides that give students an understanding of the mechanical and electrical engineering design process.

SOLIDWORKS Certification Exam Prep Courses

Prepare for SOLIDWORKS Certification Exams with our expertly curated prep courses for CSWA and CSWP, tailored to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge for success.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation: In-Software Tutorials


Using built-in tutorials within SOLIDWORKS Simulation can be a great way to get started with the software. These tutorials, conveniently available as PDF documents within SOLIDWORKS, cover various topics, including introductory materials, theoretical manuals, flow simulations, technical references, validations, plastics tutorials, and updates on the latest features. They offer a comprehensive resource accessible from within the software interface, making learning and exploring SOLIDWORKS Simulation's capabilities easy.

Join SOLIDWORKS & 3DEXPERIENCE Academic Communities

SOLIDWORKS has many online communities. Any educator of Dassault Systèmes software can be part of the 3DEXPERIENCE® Academic Community to find resources and ask questions. You need to create a 3DEXPERIENCE ID and request to join.