All SOLIDWORKS web pages and applications have switched from a SOLIDWORKS ID login page to a 3DEXPERIENCE ID login page. Whether you are logging into a 3DEXPERIENCE application, the DS Support Knowledge Base, the SOLIDWORKS User Forum, MySolidWorks, or the SOLIDWORKS downloads page, you have a single login everywhere – 3DEXPERIENCE ID.
We have prepared this FAQ to help you understand the impact of this change and guide you in case of any problems accessing your tools.
1. Can I log in on the 3DEXPERIENCE login page with my SOLIDWORKS ID?
If you have used your SOLIDWORKS ID to log in to a 3DEXPERIENCE page before October 1, 2023, you can continue to use the same email address and password you have been using. Your SOLIDWORKS ID has already been migrated.
In other cases, the login may not recognize your email address and password. You will need to create a new 3DEXPERIENCE ID using the same email address you used for your SOLIDWORKS ID.
2. How is 3DEXPERIENCE ID used on www.solidworks.com and my.solidworks.com?
Your 3DEXPERIENCE ID is used to determine if you can access subscription content. A successful login will check to see that you are associated with an organization that is entitled to subscription benefits. Your 3DEXPERIENCE ID is also used generally to identify you and connect you to your activities like your training progress or SOLIDWORKS Product Trial on MySolidWorks.
If you are a Maker or Student, skip to #5.
3. Why can’t I access subscription content?
When you want to access subscription content like Software Downloads or Training, the login service checks your entitlements. Access to subscription content requires that your organization own and maintain SOLIDWORKS Products and that you are listed as a contact of the company.
If you have logged in with a valid email address and password but are denied access to subscription content, then check with your local administrator or SOLIDWORKS Partner to make sure that you have been added as a contact to your organization. The same email you use for your login must match the email used by your administrator when they added you as a contact.
4. What will happen to my entitlements and past activities if I create a new 3DEXPERIENCE ID?
If you need to create a new 3DEXPERIENCE ID, use the same email address you used when logging in with your SOLIDWORKS ID. Your entitlement and past activities will automatically be associated to your new account as long as you use the same email address.
5. What if I need help accessing my Maker or Student subscription?
Visit these pages to get help accessing these special subscriptions.
6. I am the administrator of SOLIDWORKS licenses for my organization. How can I grant access to subscription content to my SOLIDWORKS users?
If you own and maintain SOLIDWORKS Desktop products, then any contact you add to your organization will be considered entitled when they log in with a 3DEXPERIENCE ID. You can add contacts to your organization in DSx Client Care and Order from the Main Menu > Contact Administration.
If you do not have access to Contact Administration and you are the administrator for your organization, then request the Security Admin role. Another Security Admin within your organization or your SOLIDWORKS Support Partner can grant you the role.
If you can access Contact Administration, then:
- Add the Contact(s).
- Assign a role. Generally, the “Support Restricted” role is appropriate for most SOLIDWORKS users.
Be sure to tell the contact(s) to log into subscription content with a 3DEXPERIENCE ID using the same email address you entered in DSx Client, creating a new password or a new 3DEXPERIENCE ID if needed.
Additional Tips
Here are some tips for responding to login messages and other questions about the new experience.
7. I got the message: “Welcome! We found your account, but it needs a new password” in the login screen.
Great news! Your email address is recognized, but you need to create a new password to finish setting up your account.
8. I got the message: “Incorrect username/email or password” in the log in screen.
- First, make sure you have typed your email address and password correctly.
- If you still can’t log in, go to the account creation page and enter your email address, then click in the Username field. This will tell you if the system already has your email address or if you have to create a new account.
- If the account creation page says you already have an account, go back to the login screen and reset your password. Otherwise, continue to create a new account using the email address from your SOLIDWORKS ID.
- If you still can’t log in, contact your Site Administrator or SOLIDWORKS Partner.
9. Is there anything else I can try?
Clearing your browser history can often eliminate random problems from previous sessions.
10. What should I do if I cannot log in?
SOLIDWORKS and Dassault Systèmes make it a priority to resolve any login issues as quickly as possible. Despite our preparation for this transition, sometimes issues need to be addressed manually on our side. If you cannot log in to the 3DEXPERIENCE login page after trying the suggestions listed above, contact your SOLIDWORKS Partner. They have the experience and direct connections to SOLIDWORKS and Dassault Systèmes to help you resolve your issue. If you need help identifying your SOLIDWORKS Partner reseller, call +1 (800) 693-9000.