
I took the exam and my Internet connection failed when the test ended. How do I report my results now?

The tester software will retry to connect for ~2 minutes. If the connection is still not available, an error message will be displayed and a TXT file will be saved on your desktop. The name of the file is: Tangix_TesterPro_Error_Date_Time. Please send this file to support@tangix.com

Will my answers be lost if my computer crashes? Will I lose my testing credit/have to pay again if my computer crashes?

You will have to start the examination over.  If your computer crashes, your answers are not recoverable.  Email certification@solidworks.com for support.  Please explain the situation and our support team will make a decision on a course of action.

What do I need to claim my free set of SOLIDWORKS Certification exam vouchers?

Each user wishing to claim their exam vouchers needs 2 things:

1) A SOLIDWORKS ID linked to a SOLIDWORKS serial number on Subscription Service and

2) A VirtualTester ID

What exactly is the free exam voucher offer for Subscription Service customers?

For every seat of SOLIDWORKS that a company has on Subscription Service, users at that company can receive one free core exam, one free advanced exam, and one specialty exam each half of the year (January to June and July to December).  Basically, every January 1 and July 1, the system resets and users will be able to claim a fresh set of exam vouchers.

Will a certificate be mailed out to me once I pass an exam?

SOLIDWORKS no longer mails out certificates to individuals who have passed an exam.  We have made it a simple download that you can print from your computer so you no longer have to wait to receive it.  To print your certificate simply visit https://3dexperience.virtualtester.com/#home. On that page, simply click the "Download Certificate" button and follow the on-screen instructions.  Please note that not all exams have printable certificates.

When I took the exam, I entered ',' for every decimal place, not "." Is this okay?

The client test software uses the decimal point separator setting under Control Panel--> Regional & Language options-->Customize-->Decimal symbol. If you use a decimal point separator different from the above setting, it will not be accepted in the answer field. If you feel that you have still experienced a virtualtester client problem regarding this, send an email to support@tangix.com.

Which commercial version of the software should I use to take the CSWP exams?

For all exams, the minimum version necessary is listed on the information page of that exam.  Please go to www.solidworks.com/certification and click on the individual exam information page links on the left.

I do not use SOLIDWORKS or SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Can I still take the exam with an evaluation copy?

Yes. But you will have to get the evaluation version from one of the SOLIDWORKS resellers in your area.

Where can I report technical issues and enhancement requests regarding the testing software?

Can I discuss my results with someone at SOLIDWORKS or review the reasons if I failed?

You are encouraged to discuss your exam with an authorized training and support provide or fellow SOLIDWORKS users.  The SOLIDWORKS Certification cannot share the answers or solution methodology so as not to prejudice your next attempt. 

Due the complexity of an online testing environment, where every candidate receives a unique exam, we are unable to provide individuals with hands on analysis of improvement areas in their exam.  However, we can encourage you to visit our public website, where you will find a list of exam topics that you should be proficient in for each exam.

What is Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP) exam?

The CSWP exam is a comprehensive, non-proctored online exam that tests an individual’s ability to design and analyze parametric parts and movable assemblies using a variety of complex features in SOLIDWORKS, including design validation tools. A Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional is an individual that has successfully passed this exam.

Can the exam be paused?

No. Once started, exams cannot be paused.

Can I buy an exam in bulk and then distribute it to my employees?

Yes. You are allowed to purchase exams in bulk on our webstore then transfer testing credits to users of your choice in the form of a 'voucher'. To create vouchers from your bulk purchase, log into your virtualtester account and follow the simple instructions: https://3dexperience.virtualtester.com/#home

In which languages are the exams available?

The CSWP/CSWA exams are available in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Japanese, Turkish, and Traditional Chinese.

I have my certification. Why don't I show up in the online directory?

The option to be displayed in the online CSWP directory is something that must be approved by the user.  By default it is set to not display your listing in the diretory so you need to login to your account and select the option to be displayed.  You can login to your account by visiting this link: https://3dexperience.virtualtester.com/#home. Once logged into your account navigate to your settings page and select the "Yes" option for "List in Online Directory".