Tips for Searching the Knowledge Base
Here are some helpful tips to improve your Knowledge Base (KB) search results:
- Use simple phrases and words.
- When searching for specific words, the order of the words in the search bar does not matter. KB search will return any solution or article that contains all of the keywords listed.
- The SOLIDWORKS KB search engine uses only "double-quotation marks (" ") and the asterisk (*) for search operators. A KB search does not recognize the AND, OR, NOT, or other Boolean operators.
- To search for an exact phase, enclose the phrase within "double-quotation marks". This is a good way to search for error message text. Keep in mind that the longer the phrase - the fewer the results.
- To search for solutions that contain variations of a specific word or text, place an asterisk either in front of or behind the search text. For example, the search term Win* returns information that contains the words Windows, WinNT, Window, etc. The search term install* returns information that contains the words install, installing, installation, etc.
- Use exact spelling. The KB search does check for misspelled words.
- Use the Refine your Search options to filter your search results. This is called guided navigation because the results change dynamically based on your search terms and selected filters.
- Add or remove filters to change your search results.