SOLIDWORKS PDM Administrator Professional (CPAP)

Once SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional has been deployed within an organization, it must be properly maintained by qualified individuals who will be responsible for daily maintenance tasks and for any subsequent configuration changes. By assigning a CPAP qualified individual to this task, employers can be confident that their site is being managed by an individual with proven skills in administrating SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional.

Take the Exam 

Recommended Training

  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Administration Class
  • Basic knowledge of Project Management gained through online training or by attending a local institute

Exam Prerequisites


SOLIDWORKS 2012 (or later released version) and SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional 2012 (or later released version)

Access and Privileges checklist

  • Login and Passwords to Archive and SQL Servers (including SQL sa password)
  • Internet access
  • Ability to create vault
  • Ability to add new users

Exam Length

2 hours

Minimum Passing grade


About the Exam

All candidates receive electronic certificates, business card logos and personal listing on CSWP directory* when they pass. To show up in the directory, this option must be set in your online certification account.

SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional tools that may be covered in the exam include

  • Vault creation and configuration
  • Basic Vaulting operations (Add Users, Change Permissions, Check I/O, etc.)
  • Modifications to Data Cards and Variables
  • Workflow Manipulation
  • Troubleshooting (this may include inadvertent mistakes like typos)

Take the Exam 

Re-test Policy

There is a minimum 14 day waiting period between every attempt of the CPAP exam.  Also, a CPAP exam credit must be purchased for each exam attempt.