2. SOLIDWORKS CAD Design Academic Version (CSWA-Academic / CSWP - Academic)

SOLIDWORKS CAD Design Academic Version (CSWA-Academic / CSWP - Academic)

SOLIDWORKS CAD Design Academic Version

The CSWA - Academic and CSWP - Academic certifications are proof of your SOLIDWORKS® expertise with cutting-edge skills that businesses seek out and reward.

The CSWA - Academic and CSWP - Academic certifications are provided in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Chinese S, Chinese T, Japanese, and Brazilian Portuguese.

Taking the Exam

The CSWA – Academic and CSWP - Academic certifications are offered only through the SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider program. 

SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider Application

The CSWA - Academic certification is intended for a student who is well-versed in both basic knowledge of engineering fundamentals and industry practices, along with SOLIDWORKS CAD software and its methodologies and simulation principles. SOLIDWORKS recommends that applicants review the online tutorials on Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings as a prerequisite, and have at least 150 hours of classroom instruction that thoroughly covers the SOLIDWORKS CAD application, engineering design principles, and industry best practices. Students that pass the CSWA-Academic Exam receive an electronic certificate listing their certification ID and educational institution name. The certification ID can be verified by schools and employers.

The CSWP - Academic certification is intended for a student with a minimum of 1 to 2 years of SOLIDWORKS experience and advanced knowledge of engineering practices.

Recommended Training Courses

My SolidWorks Learning Paths: CSWA and CSWP Exam Prep Courses  

Exam Length

CSWA: Full exam of 3 hours or 2 parts of 1.5 hours each

Please note, the 2 part CSWA exam is offered for schools enrolled in the SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider program so that the exam may be administered in two sessions when 3 hours are not available for the full exam. Each part is graded separately and no points are carried over from the grade of one part to the other part. Once a student has passed both parts, the final CSWA certificate will be awarded.

CSWP:3 hours 20 minutes (All segments total)

Minimum Passing grade


About the Exam

All candidates receive electronic certificates and personal listing on the Certification directory when they pass.

Please see the SOLIDWORKS CAD Design Associate (CSWA) information page for more information on the CSWA – Academic exam.

Please see the SOLIDWORKS CAD Design Professional (CSWP) information page for more information on the CSWP – Academic exam.

Re-test Policy

There is a minimum 14-day waiting period between every attempt of the CSWA/CSWP - Academic exam.

SOLIDWORKS Academic Certification Provider Application